Blog, Landscape, Photos, Work Blog, Landscape, Photos, Work

Northfield/Spring Hill and the 28mm f/2.8 MC W.Rokkor-X

I drive by this spot all the time and it always has one of the most scenic/cinematic looking views. This past weekend I finally sold off my 7DII which I had been holding onto (for a year mind you) until I figured out if I was sticking with Sony (obviously I am lol). In the last post you saw where I was before that, here's the drive back! Check out these photos :D

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Cars N Coffee July 2018

Another super cool photographer here in town Jeff Carr invited me out to the Maury County Cars n' Coffee's July meetup event. I'm trying to test and push some limits on which lenses I'm using for what and why. I decided to shoot only 28mm :D Today we're featuring two lenses, 2 Minolta 28mm f/2.8, a MD W.Rokkor-X and a MC W.Rokkor-X. Check out these photos!

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