Life is funny: A Reboot

June 30th 2017 was my last day at Columbia Power and Water System (my main gig). I had planned this big unveil, a new brand, my new identity and yet it all failed.Around 5PM Friday, when all this was going to go live, I found out that my webserver had been hacked. Like most of my websites had been major defaced. I checked in to see how much is was going to cost to get everything back up and running. To my dismay, it was going to be around $2500 to restore everything. That was not an option for me as I'm just getting starting becoming an entrepreneur!I feel like most people would have cried, or decided this wasn't worth it, or freaked out.So I did the only thing I could do. I blew it all up and have decided to start over. While that sucks, it was probably going to have to happen anyway. My hosting plan was up in September, I have all of my images triple backed up. I learned about web security and what NOT to do. I can start over, I can try again. While it's frustrating, it's given me the gas to move forward. If you got here via a link that doesn't work anymore I'm going to try to fix it (don't cross fingers). If you're new, then I'm happy you're here! Either way, hop on board as we go on this wild adventure together! 


Downtown Columbia Tennessee


Bonaroo 2017